Zoshi started in Rumbur/ジョシ祭はじまる

(Written on 13th May)


yesterday, on 12th May, children went to the riverbed or mountain to pick the bunch of flowers and leaves, symbol of Zoshi such as Bisha, Kanda and wolnuts branches. Women went to the fields for picking newly grown wild grass. This activity is a sign for starting Joshi, the Kalasha spring festival. 


Same night youth and children played dancing and singing along with the drums at the square of our village, Balanguru. Then next morning before the dawn, they decorated the entrance and the shelf of Jes’tak Khan temple with these symbol flowers and leaves, and doorway of each house as well.

On 13th, the babies who were born after Chawmos winter festival and their mother got purification ritual, Gulparik, also some women do get purified ritual. At Singmo’, up from the dancing square of Grom village, men from upperstream re-decorated with the willow branches and give a ritual offering walnuts, afterwords boys played the drum at the dancing square.

0n 14th, the small Zoshi, people eat wheat bread and goat milk which have kept for 10 days at the goat house then go to the dancing square in the Grom village to dance and sing.  


On 15th, the big Zoshi, there are rituals by boys offering goat milk to Shingmo’ and the men gather at  Mahadew to offer the cheese blocks. The women enjoy different variety of dancings at the dancing square whole days.



Hope it will be happily Zoshi ended!